Considering an interim manager? Here are 4 key questions answered
Gibson Watts
Corporate Blog
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At some point, your business may encounter a challenge or opportunity that requires specific skills or expertise that you don’t currently possess in-house.
However, before making the decision to bring an interim manager on board for a change or transformation programme, it’s important to ask yourself certain questions to ensure that you are making the most effective use of this resource.
Here are four key questions to consider:
1) When is hiring an interim the best option?
Hiring an interim professional is often the best option when a company is facing a challenge or opportunity that requires specialised skills or expertise that are not available in-house. Interim professionals can be especially useful in situations such as turnaround management, change management, or implementing improvement programmes.
They can also be a good choice for filling temporary gaps in a company’s workforce due to factors such as illness, maternity leave, or sabbaticals. It is often a cost-effective solution compared to hiring a full-time employee for a short-term project.
2) Why are interim hires effective?
Interim hires can be effective for a number of reasons. Firstly, they are often highly experienced and specialised professionals with a proven track record in their area of expertise. They can quickly get up to speed on the needs of the organisation and begin making a positive impact.
Secondly, they are typically brought in for a specific period of time and have clear objectives and deliverables, which helps ensure a focused approach to achieving the desired outcomes.
Thirdly, interim hires can provide fresh perspectives and new ideas to an organisation, which can be particularly valuable in situations that require change or transformation.
3) How do you find the right interim?
Clearly define your needs: Before you start your search, be clear about the specific skills, experience, and qualifications that you require from an interim professional. This will help you identify the best candidates and ensure that they have the necessary expertise to meet your needs.
Use a reputable agency: Working with a reputable agency that specialises in interim hires can be an effective way to find the right professional. These agencies typically have a pool of pre-screened candidates and can help match you with the right person for the job.
4) What are some ways to maximise the advantages of hiring an interim professional?
To ensure project success, establish clear ROI goals that deliver value to your business. It’s also important to define the scope of work and stick to agreed-upon parameters. Empower the interim manager with decision-making authority to deliver the program, but avoid involving them in irrelevant operational aspects. This will help maintain focus on the programme’s goal and increase its chances of success.
To conclude:
Businesses can greatly benefit from the expertise of interim professionals in areas such as turnaround, change management, and implementing improvement programmes. However, like any business decision, it’s important to have a clear understanding of when, how, and why to use interim professionals.
Once the decision has been made to hire an interim professional, the key is to carefully select the right person for the job and provide the necessary support to ensure they can deliver optimal results.