Executive Search

Helping you source the most talented individuals for Board, C-suite, and Senior Management level.

The pressure is on when finding your executive team, so let experience take the lead. Our suite of global executive search services is insight-driven, retention-focused and designed to accelerate the success of an organisation.

High calibre

We have extensive networks and resources to reach candidates who may not be actively seeking job opportunities but possess the desired skills and experience.

Faster Hiring

We streamline the hiring process by actively sourcing, screening, and presenting qualified candidates, reducing the time it takes to fill critical positions.

Live Market

For informed decision-making, we provide access to job market insights covering trends, salary benchmarks, candidate availability, and competitor activity.

Diverse Leadership

We help build a leadership team that reflects diverse perspectives and experiences, which can lead to improved innovation and decision-making.

From C-Suite to boardroom, securing leadership talent and building a future-proof executive team is no easy task, particularly in the cleantech and renewable energy sectors.

These industries are often faced with unique challenges, such as technical, economic and regulatory complexities, increasing consumer demands, and tight deadlines. Therefore, the need for highly specialised and experienced leaders to drive their mission-critical initiatives is imperative.

This is where our Executive Search services come in.

Gibson Watts conducts local, national, and global searches, tailoring bespoke solutions when a traditional approach falls short. Our focus is on delivering quality outcomes that offer diversity, expertise, and success to our partners.

With a repertoire of tools and techniques, we rigorously assess candidates’ track records, knowledge, capabilities, and potential. Our partners and candidates alike value Gibson Watts for our expertise, invaluable insights, candid advice, and steadfast commitment to their success.

To date, we have worked with a number of organisations ranging from scaleups to businesses recognised by elite groups like The Engine, Breakthrough Energy Portfolio, and those listed in The Global Cleantech 100.

We support our clients in securing key placements that will propel their business forward through a blend of industry analysis, cultural assessments, and an evaluation of existing board and management dynamics.

Our Executive Recruitment Process
  1. Client briefing: Discuss and agree the assignment brief and approach.
  2. Research: Conduct extensive research of your business, industry, and strategy to build a profile of your ideal candidate.
  3. Screening: Headhunt high-performing individuals using talent mapping methodologies and prepare shortlist.
  4. Shortlist meeting: Work in partnership through the interview and offer stages.
  5. 3-month review: Regularly touch base with both client and candidate, monitoring satisfaction and facilitating feedback.

Championing diversity and inclusion since our inception, Gibson Watts is changing the face of leadership by helping organisations think differently about talent in the cleantech and renewable energy sectors. 

This is why we ensure our internal and external workforce reflects and incorporates the talent of diverse communities.

We believe talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not. This is why we are making it our duty to widen the gap without lowering the bar. We envision a more sustainable and equitable future, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the advancement of our planet and society.

Gibson Watts is a leadership recruitment and executive search company that is shaping a sustainable future for businesses and the planet.

To speak to someone sooner, please feel free to contact us on:
(+44) 020 3880 0894

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